Posted in Post by Joel - Script and Cameras, Uncategorized

Week 3: Return of the Jib

We have just finished a very productive week both inside and outside the studio with the script coming together nicely, camera cards to be typed up and printed in due course. Slight problem when Stuart (John) dropped out but it happens sometimes! best of luck to Stuart in his new job. We had a nearly full cast read through of the new script which went very well.

I had the chance to experiment with the HD handheld camera creating a slow motion effect which we hope will look good in the final edit. I’m confident of the setting to help the editors acheieve this effect.

Friday saw us return to filming with the interview scenes which went well despite struggling to use the JIb camera effectively, as weeks go by I’m sure this will improve and I’m sure was an off day! The producer has asked us to come up with one thing we did well and two things to improve.

1 thing we did well: Lighting was very good today with the interviews lit effectively.

2 things to improve: The JIB camera was not as productive and smooth as it has been previously but with time I will get back into it again and actors need to be spread out during the time allocation we have so they are not sitting around for ages which we will organise soon.

Productive Week! Still lots to improve on though (the jokes dried up on Friday! Sorry Guys!)


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